ISO 45001 stumbles at first hurdle (INform, Mai 2014)

[…] The degree to which employee participation in occupational health and safety should be embedded into the new standard is also a hot topic with a number of international employee focused organisations seeking to maximise such involvement. […] (June 2014)

[…] The second session of ISO Project Committee PC 283 was held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It brought together 85 experts representing more than 61 countries and 12 liaising organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Although it was intense, this meeting was unable to deal with the 1300 or so comments and 230 pages of text generated […] (David Smith, Chairman of project commitee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety management systems; July 2014)

[…] We have also had strong involvement from the International Labour Organization (ILO), who are experts on the topic and have some very valuable insights to bring to the table.
Of course, with this many stakeholders, the development work isn’t always easy and there are disagreements. […]

[…] In this article we discuss the issues raised during a recent meeting held by ISO and how it may affect the future development of ISO 45001 (also known as OH&S 18001). If you were not aware that the standard is being revised you may want to read this article 1st OH&S 18001 to become ISO 45001 […]”ISO+45001″ (Search for “ISO 45001” at ILO)

ISO 45001: philosophical difference about the scope (2014-07-10; by Tom Slavin)

[…] The ISO standards process tends to be fairly bureaucratic and target focused. Deadlines need to be met even if the standard is not quite ready. The assumption is that problems can be fixed at the next stage or next revision. […]

[…] Perhaps the most fundamental debate is a philosophical difference about the scope (should the standard focus on hazard reduction or management system elements?). The OHSAS 18001 group would like to focus on hazard reduction, mainly because it is easier to audit. The ANSI Z10 group (mostly U.S.) would like to focus on hazard control and management system elements, such as management support and employee involvement. […]

[…] It was evident that the hazard control processes and programs covered by OHSAS 18001 are good on paper but have management systems and safety culture blind spots […]

Very interesting article.

GRI: Berichterstattung zum Arbeitsschutz

Die Global Reporting Initiative kann Betriebsräten helfen, zu verstehen, welche Berichterstattung zum Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz sie von einem guten Arbeitgeber erwarten sollten.
Update 2016-08-16:

Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety
a. Report the level at which each formal joint management-worker health and safety committee typically operates within the organization.
b. Report the percentage of the total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees.
a. Report types of injury, injury rate (IR), occupational diseases rate (ODR), lost day rate (LDR), absentee rate (AR) and work-related fatalities, for the total workforce (that is, total employees plus supervised workers), by: Region, Gender
b. Report types of injury, injury rate (IR), occupational diseases rate (ODR), lost day rate (LDR), absentee rate (AR) and work-related fatalities for independent contractors working on-site to whom the organization is liable for the general safety of the working environment, by: Region, Gender
c. Report the system of rules applied in recording and reporting accident statistics.
a. Report whether there are workers who are involved in occupational activities who have a high incidence or high risk of specific diseases.
a. Report whether formal agreements (either local or global) with trade unions cover health and safety.
b. If yes, report the extent, as a percentage, to which various health and safety topics are covered by these agreements.

In dem Entwurf der Revision G4 wurde erkannt, wie wichtig die Mitwirkung der Arbeitnehmer ist. Das zeigt der Vergleich mit der aktuellen Revision G3.1:

Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety
G3.1-LA6 (addtl.)
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs.
G3.1-LA7 (core)
Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.
G3.1-LA8 (core)
Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases.
G3.1-LA9 (addtl.)
Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.

(In Deutschland sind es nicht die Gewerkschaften, die in den Betrieben mit dem Arbeitgeber Betriebsvereinbarungen abschließen, sondern die Betriebsräte.)

When do audits interfere with the law?

BS OHSAS 18001 is a standard for Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) management systems. Conformity assessment bodies (CAB) conduct audits at the sites of clients who applied for a certification or who want to get re-certified. In Germany the CABs are accredited by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS).
Accredited CABs in Germany for OHSAS 18001: Leave all selections to “ALL” except “Certification for Managementsystem 2”, where you select “T64=Occupational Health and safety managementsystem: BS OHSAS 18001”.
Auditing is about assessing conformity. Strangely, in Germany it may occur that CABs support clients in acting against the law. When auditing the OH&S management system at your client’s site based on OHSAS 18001, the client may try

  • to take confidentiality as an excuse to hide findings concerning OH&S from the works council and
  • to exclude the works council from audits in order to prevent employee representatives from reporting OH&S issues to the auditor.

CABs should try to avoid this. Even best audit practices are not above the law!
Audits require confidentiality, but with regard to occupational health & safety issues, confidentiality does not allow clients of CABs to lock the work council out. CABs should not support clients in hiding information in a way which interferes with the duties of works council in Germany. Interfering with the legitimate work of the works council is a penal offence in Germany. Don’t issue certificates to clients, who act against the German Works Constitution (and against OHSAS 18001:2007
The following exerpt from the German Works Constitution tells you which information on OH&S issues the works council of your client’s sites are entitled to ask for and where and when the works councils are entitled to participate in the audit.
The German Works Constitution (excerpt for OHSAS 18001 Auditors)

Section 2 – Status of trade unions and employers’ associations
(1) The employer and the works council shall work together in a spirit of mutual trust having regard to the applicable collective agreements and in co-operation with the trade unions and employers’ associations represented in the establishment for the good of the employees and of the establishment.
Section 80 – General duties
(1) The works council shall have the following general duties:
1. to see that effect is given … safety regulations … for the benefit of the employees;
Section 87 – Right of co-determination
(1) The works council shall have a right of co-determination in the following matters in so far as they are not prescribed by legislation or collective agreement:
1. matters relating to the rules of operation of the establishment and the conduct of employees in the establishment;
7. arrangements for the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases and for the protection of health on the basis of legislation or safety regulations;
8. the form, structuring and administration of social services whose scope is limited to the establishment, company or combine;
Section 89 – Health and safety as well as environmental protection at work
(1) The works council shall endeavour to ensure that the provisions on safety and health at work and accident prevention as well as environmental protection are observed in the establishment. It shall support the competent occupational safety and health authorities, the statutory accident insurance institutions and other relevant bodies in their efforts to eliminate safety and health hazards by offering suggestions, advice and information
(2) The employer and the bodies referred to in the second sentence of subsection (1) shall be obliged to invite the works council or the members it delegates for that purpose to participate in all inspections and issues relating to safety and health at work or the prevention of accidents and inquiries into accidents. The employer shall also consult the works council concerning all inspections and issues relating to environmental protection in the company, and shall immediately inform it of any conditions imposed and instructions given by the competent bodies relating to safety and health at work, the prevention of accidents, or environmental protection in the establishment.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, environmental protection in the establishment comprises all personnel and organisational measures as well as all measures relating to the establishment’s buildings, rooms, technical equipment, working methods, working processes and work places that serve the protection of the environment.
(4) Members delegated by the works council shall take part in discussions between the employer and the safety delegates within the context of section 22 (2) of the Seventh Book of the Social Code.
(5) The works council shall receive from the employer the minutes of inquiries, inspections and discussions in respect of which subsections (2) and (4) provide for its participation.
(6) The employer shall supply the works council with a copy of the accident notification to be signed by the works council under section 193 (5) of the Seventh Book of the Social Code.
Section 119 – Offences against bodies established under this Act and their members
(1) The following offences shall be punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine, or both:
2. Obstructing or interfering with the activities of the works council, the central works council, the combine works council, the youth and trainee delegation, the central youth and trainee delegation, the combine youth and trainee delegation, the ship’s committee, the fleet works council, the representative bodies of the employees referred to in section 3 (1), the conciliation committee, the arbitration body referred to in section 76 (8), the grievance committee referred to in section 86 or the finance committee,
(2) Proceedings concerning the offence shall be instituted only on application by the works council, the central works council, the combine works council, the ship’s committee, the fleet works council, the representative bodies of the employees referred to in section 3 (1), the electoral board, the employer or a trade union represented in the establishment. The application may be withdrawn.

   Co-determination 2013,
   Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
   Information, Publication and Editorial Office
   53107 Bonn, Germany

Self Help (2009-06-08)

[…] The suggestion people should “help themselves” to feel better was first mooted by Victorian Samuel Smiles 150 years ago.
His book, called simply Self Help, sold a quarter of a million copies and included guidance such as: “Heaven helps those who help themselves.”
Self-help is now a multi-billion pound global industry. […]

Keywords: Joanne Wood, Canada, University of Waterloo, University of New Brunswick, autosuggestion

Audit-Ankündigung an den Betriebsrat

Hier wirkt der Betriebsrat aktiv an Zertifizierungsaudits nach OHSAS 18001 mit: In den Niederlanden müssen die Betriebsräte bei Audits nach dem SCCM-Schema spätestens drei Wochen vor einem Audit informiert werden und können eigene Feststellungen in das Audit mit einbringen, und zwar nach ihrer Wahl entweder an den Arbeitgeber oder direkt an die Zertifizierungsgesellschaft. In Deutschland sind viele Betriebsräte noch zu schüchtern dafür – soweit sie überhaupt begriffen haben, was ein OHSAS 18001 Zertifikat für sie bedeutet. Leider zeigen auch die deutschen Zertifizierungsgesellschaften wenig Interesse daran, Betriebsräte aktiv an Audits mitwirken zu lassen. (Annex 6, S. 57-58)

[…] We hereby notify you that the certification body <name> will shortly be assessing whether our occupational health and safety system meets the requirements in the OHSAS 18001 standard. One of the requirements in the standard is internal communication between the various levels and positions in the organization. We would therefore like to offer the opportunity to the works council/personnel representatives to put forward points for attention for the audit, such as guaranteeing compliance with legal requirements by means of our OHS management system.
We would like you to fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to the OHS coordinator. We will use your responses to improve the OHS management system. It will also be passed on to the certification body (of course you may send a copy directly to the certification body). The certification body will incorporate any remarks in performing this audit. The certification body will then come to an impartial assessment based on the OHSAS 18001 standard and the SCCM certification scheme. […]

Zertifizierungsschema für OHSAS 18001

In den Niederlanden gibt es die SCCM, eine Organisation zur Koordination der Zertifizierung von Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutzsystemen. Diese Organisation hat ein Zertifizierungs-Schema veröffentlicht, nach dem in den Niederlanden akkreditierte Zertifizierungsgesellschaften vorgehen können. Man kann daraus (auf Englisch) viel über Zertifizierungsaudits für OHSAS 18001 und den Einbezug von Betriebsräten in solche Audits lernen. In Deutschland wäre es hilfreich, wenn die DAkkS soetwas veröffentlichen könnte. (2013-02)

Certification scheme for occupational health and safety (OHS) management systems according to OHSAS 18001
By entering into an agreement with SCCM (the Association for the Coordination of Certification of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in the Netherlands), accredited certification bodies can use this certification scheme, which is based on the worldwide standard OHSAS 18001:2007 (OHSAS: Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series). The certification scheme was developed by a Central Committee of Experts (CCE) operating within SCCM and approved by the board of SCCM. SCCM qualifies as scheme supervisor in conformance with the requirements set by the Council for Accreditation. Certification bodies (CBs) associated with SCCM are obliged to follow the scheme drawn up by the CCE for certification based on the OHSAS 18001 standard. […]

Was ist die SCCM?

SCCM was founded in 1995 by the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (previously VROM), the employers’ organization VNO-NCW, the certification bodies and the environmental movement, in order to arrive at a uniform procedure for the certification bodies, and an unambiguous interpretation of the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems. Since 2006, the foundation has also coordinated the certification of occupational safety/health (OHS) management systems (according to OHSAS 18001). At the request of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, SCCM has also taken care of registration for the Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) since 1995. SCCM has a unique position, as there are no comparable organizations in other countries.
The objective of SCCM is that the ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001 certificates have added value in the relations between organizations and their neighbours and other parties such as the government. If this added value is lacking, it can be cause to modify the ‘ground rules’ as laid down in the certification schemes. The certification bodies use the relevant SCCM certification scheme to evaluate the implementation of the standards by organizations.



  • SCCM = Stichting Coördinatie Certificatie Milieu- en arbomanagementsystemen: Das ist eine Stiftung zur Koordination der Zertifizierung von Umwelt- und Arbeitsbedingungs-Managementsystemen. Arbo ist eine Kurzform des niederländischen Begriffs Arbeidsomstandigheden (Arbeitsbedingungen) und wird auch mit “Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz” übersetzt. Die Kurzform für das Arbeitsschutzgesetz ist Arbowet.
  • Auf das SCCM-Schema bin ich mit der Suche”OHSAS+18001″+”works+council” gestoßen.

Umstellung auf OHSAS 18001:2007

[…] Wir sind bereits nach OHSAS 18001:1999 zertifiziert. Bis wann muss eine Umstellung erfolgen?
Es wurde eine Übergangsfrist von knapp 2 Jahren nach Veröffentlichung festgelegt. Als Stichtag zur endgültigen Umstellung auf die neue OHSAS 18001:2007 wurde der 01.07.2009 festgelegt. […] (not online anymore)

Revision of the OHSAS 18001:2007
The occupational health and safety management system standard OHSAS 18001:2007 was published in a revised version by the British Standard Institution (BSI) in July 2007. A number of international certification and standards bodies contributed to the development of the review.
Transition period
BSI set a period of two years for the implementation of the revised norm. Therefore certificates to the OHSAS 18001:1999 will become invalid at the latest by 30th June 2009. It is however recommended that the amendments and additional requirements be implemented as soon as possible in the certified company to ensure that maximum benefit is attained from the improved standard.
The key changes
As well as improvements to the general clarity of the document, the new version places greater emphasis on health and there is a significant improvement in the alignment with the ISO 9001:2000 and the ISO 14001:2004.
Summary of key changes between the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and OHSAS 18001:1999 []