ISO 45001 stumbles at first hurdle (INform, Mai 2014)

[…] The degree to which employee participation in occupational health and safety should be embedded into the new standard is also a hot topic with a number of international employee focused organisations seeking to maximise such involvement. […] (June 2014)

[…] The second session of ISO Project Committee PC 283 was held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It brought together 85 experts representing more than 61 countries and 12 liaising organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Although it was intense, this meeting was unable to deal with the 1300 or so comments and 230 pages of text generated […] (David Smith, Chairman of project commitee ISO/PC 283, Occupational health and safety management systems; July 2014)

[…] We have also had strong involvement from the International Labour Organization (ILO), who are experts on the topic and have some very valuable insights to bring to the table.
Of course, with this many stakeholders, the development work isn’t always easy and there are disagreements. […]

[…] In this article we discuss the issues raised during a recent meeting held by ISO and how it may affect the future development of ISO 45001 (also known as OH&S 18001). If you were not aware that the standard is being revised you may want to read this article 1st OH&S 18001 to become ISO 45001 […]”ISO+45001″ (Search for “ISO 45001” at ILO)