The proposed ISO 45001 is significantly different from OHSAS 18001

In a ISO TMB 09/2014 “policy issues” document of ISO/TMB N 12 (2014-01-06) it was mentioned that the “concept of the fast-track” had been discussed. There was the question why “in key cases such as the recent ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001)” with its 3 year time frame the development of that standard was not put on fast track. It was recommended to clarify and promote the fast-track as it is not well known or understood. “It was however felt that it was not suitable for controversial subjects.”
Adctually, it is clear that ISO 45001 is controversial. However, the “ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001)” could imply that there is no big difference between OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001. But the standards are quite different. Interestingly, some elements of OHSAs 18001 which are missing in ISO 45001 did not enter the controversy yet. Didn’t anybody notice that there is no definition like “Ill health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation” in the ISO 45001 Committee Draft anymore? And in the definition of “incident”, the “(regardless of severity)” in “ill health (regardless of severity)” is gone.

[…] ISO 45001 is to be based upon the OHSAS 18001 standard. The current version – OHSAS 18001:2007 is used as the basis for occupational health and safety management systems in thousands of companies around the world. The proposed standard is significantly different from OHSAS 18001; the structure, format and terminology of the new standard will be substantially altered. […]

PS: There already was a The Definitive Guide to ISO 45001:2016 (Issue one – January 2014, £30.00, The guide still may be helpful to understand the history of the coming ISO 45001.

2015-03: The 2nd committee draft still is significantly different from OHSAS 18001:2007. The high level structure (HLS) may be seen by formalists as an improvement compared to what OHSAS 18001 offers. But from the employees’ point of view, the content gives them less enforcable protection.