KAN: a German trade union voice in standards

http://www.etui.org/en/Topics/Health-Safety/HesaMag/Standardization-what-roles-for-the-unions -> http://www.etui.org/content/download/9798/87904/file/HESAmag_07_EN_p24-27.pdf

spring-summer 2013/HesaMag #07
Special report 15/25
KAN: a German trade union voice in standards
Standards are developed by private standards organizations working very much to the agenda of manufacturers and much less in the interests of workers who use their products. Germany’s Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardization (KAN) has been trying for nearly 20 years to put this situation right. It upholds the interests of various stakeholders in health and safety at work, and so also gives the unions a voice.
Ulrich Bamberg, Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and
Standardization (KAN) […]

Actually, “KAN: a German trade union voice in standards” is not quite true. Also the employers are represented in the KAN. But both are interested in a high quality of worker protection. In Germany, the OHS-laws are quite strict. Without an ambitious international OHS standards German employers would have a competitive disadvantage.
In close cooperation especially with their French partners, the KAN also participates in the developpment of ISO 45001. (Article in German)